What is Industry 4.0?
There’s no question that technology is playing a huge part in our everyday lives today, but the increasingly connected culture we live in is also having an impact on the world of industry.
Welcome to Industry 4.0, the name given to the growing combination of traditional manufacturing and industrial platforms and practices with the latest smart technology.

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our capabilities
TechnoSphere primarily focuses on the use of large-scale M2M and Internet of Things (IoT) deployments to provide the likes of increased automation, improved communication and monitoring, as well as smart machines that can analyse and diagnose issues without the need for human intervention.
Industry 4.0 is already seeing factories become increasingly automated and self-monitoring as the machines within are given the ability to analyse and communicate with each other. This then free ups their human co-workers, granting companies much smoother processes that leave employees open for other tasks.
To TechnoSphere, we believe the future of any business is hiding in its data, with more accurate models driving more predictive approaches. As devices become more connected and as machines continue to learn, enterprises will see stronger business outcomes and reach a point of autonomous problem-solving. This presents the industry with an opportunity to manage risks while achieving a competitive advantage by reducing business and safety management-related costs.
Manufacturing is one of the main industries that use Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning technologies to its fullest potential. Smart Factories, also known as Smart Factories 4.0 have major cuts in unexpected downtime, better design of the products, improved efficiency and transition times, the overall quality of the product and safety of the workers. Artificial Intelligence is the heart of Industry 4.0, delivering more productivity while staying environmental-friendly.
You need to morph into a cognitive industrial manufacturing enterprise for smarter operations. In addition, you require a seamless cyber-physical ecosystem to navigate the dynamics of sustainable manufacturing.
TechnoSphere partners with industrial manufacturing enterprises to reinforce core strengths and boost productivity via analytics, automation, machine learning, and robotic technologies. Our modular solutions leverage data and knowledge management to drive innovation at the product, process and business levels.
Our offerings for the industrial manufacturing industry are based on three principles –
- Artificial Intelligence (AI)-powered core: connects assets, people, processes, and the shop floor to streamline product lifecycle management, and ensure timely delivery of mass produced as well as made-to-order products.
- Agile digital at scale: modernizes legacy manufacturing systems via Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), augmented reality, cognitive automation, and deep learning.
- Always-on learning: creates bespoke e-learning programs to enhance the skills of your employees and drive adoption of data analytics across the value chain.
TechnoSphere creates smart factories by implementing a ‘digital thread.’ Our digital technology backbone drives sustainable operations, while our self-service analytics platforms provide actionable insights for dynamic planning and predictive process management.
our capabilities
- Smart Maintenance
- Better Product Development
- Quality Improvement
- Market Adaptation
how ml help manufacturing?
- Correcting Prediction of Events in the Client’s Life
- Predicting Unplanned Breakdowns or Downtime
- Mitigates High Risks and helps develop Winning Strategies
- Resolves issues around Large Amount of Work and Low Productivity
- Enables efficient Customer Interaction
- Helps create client envisioned products
- Prevents High Cost of Advertising, Its Mass Nature
- Custom Content Value
- Processing, Classifying and Storing Data
how ai helps manufacturing
There’s been a ton of coverage on how artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, and robots are helping push the boundaries of manufacturing. However, we can also add blockchain to this list, as it turns out that blockchain, when coupled with other solutions, can also give manufacturers the ability to be digital leaders.
how block chain and ml help manufacturing
Machine learning has already proven its viability – it solves more and more tasks in various fields. As technology develops, the scope of application of intelligent systems with machine learning will grow – and the farther away, the more difficult will be the problems solved with the help of data mining. In this article, we have collected ten main problems of modern business, which currently can be solved with AI computing technologies.

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